Points of interest on the farm



    1 – Shires Barns. Under cover areas, toilet and handwash, parking for coaches, minibus’s and cars, craft studio – spinning and weaving.

    2 – Woodland parking area and access to woodland camp. Parking for cars and minibuses.

    3 – Woodland camp. Tarpaulin shelter, fire circle for campfire and seating on logs, tent for storage.

    4 – Hazel and Ash coppice. Variation noticeable between different areas of woodland; dense/open. Various birdlife, plantlife and live/dead wood.

    5 – Pond. Ducks, moorhens, Herons and other wildlife to investigate.

    6 – Wildflower grassland. Very old knarled Ash trees. Good view of
    the valley and sheep on opposite side. Access dependant upon cattle. No access when grazing, alternative route will be suggested.

    7 – Springs. Pump house. Wild watercress.

    8 – Hens free ranging, egg collecting.

    9 – Brook. Good access in wellies. Wildflower grassland. Access dependant upon cattle. No access when grazing, alternative route will be suggested.

    10 – Game crop  Pheasant feed stations. Owl pellets found in old combine shed. Arable crop growing either side of game crop.

    11 – Arable field, often grass for silage. New hedgeline recently planted to create a wildlife corridor.

    12 – Polytunnel and vegetable plots, Orchard and outdoor picnic area.

Shirehill Farm in part of a Natural England Scheme of Higher Level Stewardship, where whats best for the natual landscape and all the nature which lives within in it takes priority.